15/5/2004: Waiting List  is currently full and currently not accepting any new referrals.  

Absolute Minds is a fully insured mental health service delivered by a registered, credentialed mental health nurse with over 22 years experience and 35 years of horsemanship experience. 

Therapeutic sessions are delivered in an outside environment creating a less clinical feel to your mental health support. 

During sessions many different modalities of therapy are utilised to create individualised approach to each person. There therapudic approches may include: 

Equine Assisted Therapy is a form of psychotherapy (counselling/mental health support) that includes non-ridden equine supported activities in order to promote physical, mental, occupational and emotional growth in people. This form of therapy is well known to support people with mental health distress, trauma, ADHD and  Autism spectrum disorders and helping with emotional regulation and sensory sensitivity. Horses based therapies have a historic use also supporting individuals who have experienced trauma. 

Absolute Minds supports individuals with emotional distress, mental illness, trauma,  intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum needs.

Equine Assisted Therapy can help individuals to improve capacity and quality of life by;

What happens in sessions?

Activities with the therapist, horse/pony and participant may include: